Coburn Murray

Coburn Murray

In April of 2008 The Imagine Ministry began working as a 501 C3 in Raleigh NC. as a faith-based organization to engage communities for the glory of God by adopting projects and helping people who were working to change lives for Jesus Christ. Shortly after forming The Imagine Ministry, Coburn was called to serve in Nicaragua. By the end of 2008 there were plans to begin raising funds to support a youth outreach ministry in a small, rural community in Nicaragua. Under the leadership of Executive Director Coburn Murray, The Imagine Ministry began building relationships with the members of Los Brasiles, Nicaragua. One year later, in 2009, The Imagine Ministry purchased the property where it was working, and began construction on a feeding center. And thus, Coburn Murray founded the school's beginning. Coburn lives in Raleigh with his wife, Melissa (who was raised in Nicaragua in a missionary family), and their four children.